Title: Fraydo the Dragon: A Very Big Problem!Retail: $18.95Series: Fraydo the DragonAudience: Ages Silly to Super SillyHardcover: 40 pages with Dust JacketPublisher: Little Fire Press; 1st edition (2016)First Edition: 2016: Copyright 2014Printed: Ph…

Title: Fraydo the Dragon: A Very Big Problem!

Retail: $18.95

Series: Fraydo the Dragon

Audience: Ages Silly to Super Silly

Hardcover: 40 pages with Dust Jacket

Publisher: Little Fire Press; 1st edition (2016)

First Edition: 2016: Copyright 2014

Printed: Phoenix Color in Hagerstown, MD USA

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1944349502

ISBN-13: 978-1944349509

Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication Data: Available

LCCN: 2015917453

Product Dimensions:

12.1 x 9.1 x 1 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds



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